We would like to invite you to participate in our Three-Part Webinar Series to introduce DSMs pioneering approach to shape the future of piglet care.
Our complete solution approach to piglet care centers around dedicated approaches to PREPARE, PROTECT and SUPPORT RESILIENCE of your piglets.
Over the course of this webinar series, we will hear from a host of world experts who specialize in immune competency development (PREPARE), optimizing gastrointestinal functionality (PROTECT) and enhancing digestive efficiency (SUPPORT RESILIENCE).
Part 3- Webinar, 10 May 15.00 CET
SUPPORT RESILIENCE: Enhancing Digestive Efficiency
Three speakers will cover the topic of enhancing digestive efficiency and closing the gap between genetic potential and actual production performance.
This webinar will be translated live into Spanish and Portuguese. This way you can follow this webinar even better.
Speakers of the webinar ‘SUPPORT RESILIENCE: Enhancing Digestive Efficiency‘:

Jack C. M. Dekkers, PhD
An Distinguished Professor, Section Leader of Animal Breeding and Genetics at Iowa State University. He will talk about:
“Genetics of disease resilience in growing pigs“

Nicholas Gabler, PhD
An Professor of Nutritional Physiology and Feed Efficiency at Iowa State University. He will tell more about:
“Optimizing intestinal maturation and digestive capacity in pigs”

Laurent Roger, MS
An Swine Marketing EMEA Manager at DSM. He will tell us about:
“Pre and Post-absorptive aspects to support piglet resilience”

Liza Bruggeling
Host Pig Progress
register now for the previous webinars:
Part 1 – Webinar 31 March, 15.00 CET
PREPARE: Immune Competency Development Three speakers will cover the topic of optimizing piglet immune competency development through two paths: Systemically via sow nutrition and Locally via microbiome shaping

J. Jacques Matte, PhD
An honorary research scientist at Agriculture and Agri-food, Canada will address the topic of:
“Vitamins, healthy nutrition and robustness of suckling and weaned piglets“

Megan C. Niederwerder, DVM, PhD
A veterinarian and an assistant professor at Kansas State University will share her thoughts on:
“The role the gut microbiome plays in immune development beyond the gut”

William Matthys. Dr
A veterinarian and precision diagnostics service manager for DSM will share his experience of:
“Practical aspects of early gut microbiome colonization”
Part 2- Webinar, 12 April 15.00 CET
PROTECT: Optimizing Gastrointestinal Functionality
Three speakers will cover the topic of optimizing gastrointestinal functionality through a combined approach of deactivating anti-nutrients both from the feed and also the gut microbiome.
This webinar will be translated live into Spanish and Portuguese. This way you can follow this webinar even better.
Speakers of the webinar ‘PROTECT: Optimizing Gastrointestinal Functionality’:

Tofuko Awori Woyengo, PhD
An Associate Professor at Aarhus University will address the topic of:
Effects of antinutritional factors on gastrointestinal functionality of piglets post-weaning

Barbara Metzler-Zebeli, Prof. Dr.
An Professor of Nutritional Physiology at University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna will share more of this topic:
Pattern-recognition-receptors in the microbe-host networking along the porcine gut

Konstantinos Sarantis, MS
An Global Mycotoxin Risk Management Product Manager at DSM will share his thoughts on:
Mycotoxins, a frequent and persistent anti-nutritional factor in piglets
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