IPVS2022 shortens distance between links in global swine chain

IPVS2022 took place from the 21st until the 24th of June, at RioCentro, in the city of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), in Brazil. - Photo: Vincent ter Beek
IPVS2022 took place from the 21st until the 24th of June, at RioCentro, in the city of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), in Brazil. - Photo: Vincent ter Beek

Gather knowledge in an agile and assertive way. This was one of the main objectives of the 26th edition of IPVS2022, the main event in the world swine industry, which took place from the 21st until the 24th of June, at RioCentro, in the city of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), in Brazil.

After 2 years of severe restrictions due to the Covid19 pandemic, the congress marked the resumption of major face-to-face events aimed at swine farming and reinforced the commitment of companies and entities to turn the sector around.

“Swine farming has been going through several challenges, arising from the high costs of inputs and it is for this reason that IPVS2022 came at the exact moment to transform this scenario”, said the president of the event Fernanda Almeida. She stressed that only science can develop techniques to improve zootechnical indices. “The studies and solutions presented at this event will reflect on the daily life of producers, who will achieve better results when using technology on their farms”, she said.

Exchange of information from different links

According to Almeida, “IPVS2022 promoted the exchange of information from different links in this productive sector and, based on that, we were able to bring innovation to the field, with greater agility. In these meetings, everyone was the protagonist and the swine farmer should feel proud to be represented, as this was the victory of swine farming”, she highlighted.


For the veterinarian and director of the Scientific Committee of IPVS2022 Roberto Guedes, this edition of the congress needed to be recognised for helping the sector in relation to the challenges faced during social isolation. “We were surprised by the amount of scientific papers submitted. I say this because of the difficulties faced by authors to complete their projects and even then we almost reached the mark of 500 abstracts”, he commented.

Guedes highlighted the quality of the abstracts. “We received 481 works for evaluation, of which 450 were accepted. As everyone receives a grade, the 122 best scored won space to present their summaries to the public present at IPVS2022. These are researches of great value for the evolution of the world swine industry, from which I have received hundreds of positive comments during the event.”

Brazilians are adept at business fairs because they believe in the opportunity of exchanging experiences and networking

Fernanda Almeida, IPVS2022 President

Combining technology with technical programming

The Brazilian edition of IPVS was also surprised by the presence of companies that supported the event and presented solutions and novelties. “Brazilians are adept at business fairs because they believe in the opportunity of exchanging experiences and networking. This love for events meant that we were able to hold a large exhibition, with 40 companies, an impressive number in relation to previous editions of the congress”, informs Almeida.


For the executive director of Farmabase Vitor Franceschini, IPVS2022 met the company’s purposes. “Our mission is to guarantee the health of the swine herd. Brazil, as a large producer, exporter and leader in sanitary terms, needs this support. We are very happy to participate together with a large audience on a worldwide level”, he reported. “We have always participated in the IPVS and for this edition we prepared informative content, with a lot of science and information through posters and publications to help the producer improve productivity. We also prepared a symposium on sustainability, which is part of the mission of Zoetis and our customers”, informed the director of the swine, poultry and aquaculture business unit at Zoetis, Renato Verdi.

Supporting changes in the sector

According to the director of MSD Animal Health Brazilian swine business unit Rudy Claure, the company’s participation in IPVS2022 is a big step in favour of the sector. “We are very happy to have participated, because we form an important part of the changes in the production system and our objective is to support the changes aimed at the evolution of the sector and helping the producer to improve productivity. We take best practices, services and products to producers, including animal welfare. We share knowledge and ideas and invite the segment to grow with us”, he said.

Satellite Symposia

In addition to all the scientific programming, IPVS2022 participants were invited to follow a program of Satellite Symposia promoted by companies that took advantage of the space to present news related to swine farming and also work on topics related to relevance to the sector. On Wednesday June 22, 3 companies promoted symposia: Zoetis with the theme “Zoetis Innovations for a More Sustainable Global Swine Production” – The role of the veterinarian; Boehringer Ingelheim, who presented the theme “Improving Disease Control Using Data and Technology” and MSD Animal Health, who discussed “How Can Agriculture Save the World?”. On Thursday June 23, Phytobiotics worked on the theme “How does inflammation influence the result of its production?” and Virbac discussed “How to achieve the PCV2 protection goal? – An updated overview and new control opportunities”.

Fabian Brockotter Editor in chief Poultry World
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