Coming soon: Webinar on protecting piglets

20-03-2023 | |
webinar protecting piglets
Photo: Canva

Protecting piglets is the topic of a Pig Progress webinar that will be aired live through this channel on Wednesday, March 22.

Click here to register for the webinar

The webinar will be held in cooperation with DSM Animal Nutrition and Health. Its full title is “Protect piglets: Strategies to optimise gut function.” The webinar will commence at 3pm CET – corresponding starting times in different time zones are placed below.

Optimising gastro-intestinal functionality of piglets

During the webinar, 3 speakers will cover the topic of optimising the gastro-intestinal functionality of piglets. It will be viewed in relation to sow health and its effect on progeny, the role of sanitary conditions and protein nutrition in piglet gut health and how precision approaches to nutrition and health can support better production outcomes.

The webinar will be free for viewers to attend and it can be viewed on demand at any moment after the recording as well.

webinar protecting pigletsChris Schouten, DVM – Swine consultant at adVee Dierenartsen, the Netherlands

Veterinarian Schouten will look into what he calls an “underestimated” issue for sows and progeny, being urinary tract infections in lactating sows. His clinic is one of the major veterinary clinics in the Netherlands, with 13 out of 45 veterinarians specalising in swine health. The practice has customers in Belgium and Germany as well.

webinar protecting pigletsWalter Gerrits, PhD – Professor in Animal Nutrition, Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands

Topic of Prof Gerrits’ presentation will be the effect of sanitary conditions on protein digestibility in weaned piglets. Prof Gerrits’ research focuses on digestive physiology and macronutrient metabolism in various species, mostly pigs and calves. Prof Gerrits has focused on interactions between nutrition, health and welfare. Understanding of digestion kinetics is a key item in his research across species. In pigs, his research has focused on the quantitative impact of suboptimal health on nutrient digestion and metabolism.

webinar protecting pigletsEstefanía Pérez Calvo, PhD – EMEA principal scientist, DSM

The last speaker of the webinar will focus on a precision approach to piglet nutrition and the role of maternal health status. She hols a veterinary degree and a PhD in animal production and feed science from the University of Zaragoza in Spain. She joined DSM in 2013.

Starting time of the webinar on protecting piglets

The webinar will start on Wednesday, March 22 at 3pm. That corresponds to the following starting times.

  • Ciudad de México, Mexico: 8am

  • Des Moines, IA, USA: 9am

  • New York, NY, USA: 10am

  • São Paulo, SP, Brazil: 11am

  • London, UK: 2pm

  • Kyiv, Ukraine: 4pm

  • Bangkok, Thailand: 9pm

  • Beijing, China: 10pm

  • Tokyo, Japan: 11pm

Click here to register for the webinar

ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
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