University study confirms Provanco Feeds suppresses PEDv

28-08-2014 | | |
University study confirms Provanco Feeds suppresses PEDv

A Iowa State University test, aimed at determining the infectivity of PEDv RNA present in commercial Spray Dried Porcine Plasma (SDPP). Provanco Feeds Farrow X1 was used as another product to combat the PEDv infection in the test pigs.

Ron Schmidt, Owner Provanco Feeds says he is pleased with the results as it confirms what field trials have shown, he says the product is great at slowing down the devastation that PEDv has on swine producing business.

Only the PEDv challenged pigs that received Provanco Feeds product, Farrow X1, had a complete lack of detectable PEDv shedding in their faeces at the conclusion of the trial. The company produces all-natural whole egg specialised proteins which contain NO live viruses and therefore cannot contaminate the pigs. All the products are also antibiotic and growth hormone free and therefore have no withdrawal periods.

For entire study results please go to:, volume 9, Issue 8, August 2014

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