Canada: Gov. gives $1.35 million to help with pig diseases

25-04-2014 | | |
Canada: Gov. gives $1.35 million to help with pig diseases

Through Growing Forward 2, the governments of Canada and Alberta are providing $1.35 million to Alberta Pork to help address the threat of pig diseases, such as Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED), to the swine industry.

The funding is in addition to existing Growing Forward 2 grants that are available to pork producers and farm service providers to enhance biosecurity measures in their operations.

Actions supported by the Alberta Pork grant:

• Updating Alberta Pork’s swine risk assessment

• Training veterinarians to perform on-farm biosecurity audits, and conducting those audits

• Developing a system for farm service providers to have their biosecurity processes assessed

• Developing education and information materials for producers

Growing Forward 2 is a joint federal-provincial-territorial agreement that is investing $400 million in strategic programs to support the long-term competitiveness and sustainability of Alberta’s agriculture sector.

“This funding for the pork sector is a proactive step to help the industry fight pig diseases and improve biosecurity measures across the province. Through Alberta’s Budget 2014, we are continuing our commitment to make significant Growing Forward 2 investments that will strengthen our province’s agriculture industry,” said Verlyn Olson, Minister of Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development.

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