Podcast: Prof Larry Firkins considers why employees stay

Photo: Vincent ter Beek
Photo: Vincent ter Beek

In this ‘Meet the Expert’ podcast series, global opinion leaders answer practical questions revolving around topics of swine health and management. In this episode, Professor Larry Firkins discusses a very relevant question in the pig industry: why do employees stay, and why would they decide to leave?

The ‘Meet the Expert’ podcast series is made possible by Pig Progress in cooperation with Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health.

In this podcast, on behalf of Pig Progress, hosts Vincent ter Beek and Iris Hofman speak to Professor Larry Firkins, a veterinarian attached to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the US who developed a special interest in management matters and how culture in a pig-related work environment can help building a more pleasant work atmosphere.

Meet the (other) experts

In case you missed it, the previous episode looked at the PhD study of Dr Evelien Biebaut, attached to Ghent University in Belgium. Her focus: Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. The next episode in this podcast series will appear on Monday 3 June and will host Dr Franz Lappe and Dr Cecilie Kobek-Kjeldager, who will talk about tail biting.

The podcasts in this series are available on podcast channels including Soundcloud, Spotify, Google Podcasts or Apple Podcasts.

Natalie Kinsley Freelance journalist
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