
Ukraine bans import of Brazilian pork

05-03-2013 | | |
Ukraine bans import of Brazilian pork
Ukraine bans import of Brazilian pork

Ukraine authorities have recently announced a temporary ban on the import of animal products from Brazilian company Alibem comercial de alimentos Ltd.

According to Ukraine State veterinary and Phytosanitary service (Gosvetphitosluzba) the company was among the largest Brazilian supplies of pork to Ukraine.

The ban was introduced by special decree of Vladimir Gorzheev, chief state veterinary inspector of Ukraine. His decision was due to the imported products not meeting the veterinary requirements of Ukraine.

“Therefore in accordance with Article 51 –  the Law “On the safety and quality of food” all animal products from Alibem comercial de alimentos Ltd is temporarily forbidden to be delivered to Ukraine,” said the decree.

“Also all products from this company that was sent previously will only be received after extended veterinary inspection of samples,” explained Gosvetphitosluzba.

The veterinary services of Ukraine announced plans to conduct an inspection of Brazilian companies for compliance to veterinary requirements of Ukraine. The inspections are expected to take place in March.

Vladislav Vorotnikov Eastern Europe correspondent
