UK: McDonald’s moves to 100% Freedom Food Labelled Pork

19-04-2013 | | |
UK: Mcdonald s move to 100% Freedom Food Pork
UK: Mcdonald s move to 100% Freedom Food Pork

In the UK, McDonald’s will switch to 100% British Freedom Food Labelled Pork for all UK restaurants. This means that it will use pork which is produced under strict animal welfare criteria.

McDonald’s is now the UK’s second biggest buyer of Freedom Food pork. Reports state that 10 000 tonnes of pork will be affected which is normally sourced by Macdonald’s per year. The change over will be effective as of end April.


McDonald’s stated that all pig farmers that supply McDonald’s will be required to provide bright, airy environments, bedded pens and to enable pigs to move around, there should be enough space.

“This is a great win for the animals. Companies like McDonald’s have a huge impact on the way our animals are farmed around the world due to the large volumes they use,” stated Juliette Banks, National Accreditation and Marketing Manager – SPCA Blue Tick.

David Squair from RSPCA Freedom Food said, “Having one of the UK’s biggest restaurant chains serving only Freedom Food logoed pork on its menu marks a major milestone for animal welfare. We are encouraged that McDonald’s UK has shown an ongoing commitment to farm animal welfare over the last few years and the move to 100 per cent Freedom food pork is one of a number of initiatives that demonstrate the company’s genuine desire for change and improvement to farm animal welfare.”

Freedom Food is the RSPCA’s farm certification scheme.

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