Taiwan: First batch of French pork may drive price down

14-04-2014 | | |
Taiwan: First batch of French pork may drive price down
Taiwan: First batch of French pork may drive price down

Taiwan is expecting its first consignment of French pork to arrive at Kaohsiung Harbour and officials hope this will help bring down the price of pork.

Pork prices in Taiwan peaked earlier this year after dysentery decimated Taiwan’s piglets. The shipment is expected in late May just in time for the Dragon Boat Festival, when pork consumption traditionally increases.

The pork was imported by by Taiwan’s National Animal Industry Foundation at the behest of Taiwan’s representative to France, Michel Ching-long Lu. According to officials this will be the first shipment since Taiwan’s March approval of French pork imports free of ractopamine, an animal drug forbidden in Taiwan but used in many countries to enhance the leanness of livestock.

For some time now Taiwan has being allowing US pork imports under the provision that it is certified by the US Agriculture Department as being free of ractopamine, which the US have called an unfair trade barrier, since the drug is a legal additive to animal feed in the US

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