Bauer Technics aims to expand presence in CIS region

27-02-2017 | | |
Bauer Technics aims to expand in CIS region. Photo: Dr Friedrich-Wilhelm Busse
Bauer Technics aims to expand in CIS region. Photo: Dr Friedrich-Wilhelm Busse

Bauer Technics, a Czech-based turnkey farm company, is looking forward to stepping up the construction of a range of new farms in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Projects are scheduled for Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Czech-based Bauer Technics has almost finished the construction of a pig farm in Belarus’ Mogilev region, and the company has already started planning new projects in the wider region.

In Belarus, Bauer Technics hopes to finish the construction of a pig complex for 54,000 head of pigs in Mogilev region in the spring of 2017. Construction works have almost been completed, Karl Likarje, company’s commercial director told the Prague Telegraph, a news source in Russian.

Continuing to invest in Belarus

Likarje added that his company will continue to invest in Belarus; within the coming months the company will start the construction of new farms in the same Mogilev region, a state that is located in the east of Belarus.

The investment cost of the new project is estimated at 750-800 million Czech koruna (€27.6-29.4 million), which is roughly equal to the cost of the current project.

Bauer Technics had already commissioned the construction of a farm for 48,000 head of pigs in a district close to Mogilev region. Likarje told the Czech media that the produce of new farm will be aimed at both the domestic market as well as for exports.

Construction of farms in Russia

Bauer Technics also invested €350 million in the construction of several pig farms in Russia. In total, 2 were built in Khakasia republic (an area close to the borders of both Kazakhstan and Mongolia), 1 in Yaroslavl region (north east of Moscow) and one farm in the Leningrad region (around St Petersburg).

In the coming years this list could even be expanded with new projects in Samara region (between Moscow and the Kazakh border). According to Volga News, the company is targeting the construction of several pig, dairy and poultry farms in this area.

Equipment production plant

Likarje also said that the company might embark on the construction of a plant for production of equipment and components for agricultural machinery in Samara region. The company is interested in the region, as it borders Kazakhstan on the south, which is a huge potential market.

Currently Bauer Technics has to import all its equipment from the Czech Republic, which brings complications, hence the need for a new equipment production plant. The new plant could be delivering equipment material to both Kazakhstan and Belarus as well. More details on the project are expected mid-2017.

New farms in Kazachstan

Bauer Technics previously announced its plans to invest 5.5 billion Czech koruna (€220 million) in the construction of several poultry and pig farms in Pavlodar and Karagandy regions in the north east of Kazakhstan. The pig farm in Karagandy region, designed for 7,800 sows, is expected to be built in 2018.

Vladislav Vorotnikov Eastern Europe correspondent
