Rapid growth for Brazilian pork export

21-09-2006 | |

Brazilian pork exports grew rapidly last month. In the month of August Brazil earned $134.8 million, a 14.9% year-on-year rise.

Pork shipments reached 68,050 tonnes, about 5.5% more than the year before. These figures were released by Abipecs, the Brazilian pork exporters’ association’.
Russia remains the most important importer of pork from Brazil. Altogether the Eastern European country imported 34,770 tonnes in August, down 19% on the same month last year, but 69% up in comparison to the previous month.
Although shipments to the Russian market remain down on last year’s levels, sales have begun to recover thanks to the easing of restrictions imposed following FMD outbreaks in Brazil late last year.
Initially, all of Brazil’s pork producing states were covered by a ban imposed in December 2005. In April, pork produced in the state of Rio Grande do Sul was once again allowed into the Russian market, in August, Mato Grasso followed.
Despite the monthly rise, pork shipments in the January-August period remain well below last year’s levels.

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