Pig Progress 6: Why Big Data matter in pigs

03-08-2016 | |
Pig Progress 6: Why Big Data matter in pigs
Pig Progress 6: Why Big Data matter in pigs

The latest edition of Pig Progress focuses on the importance of Big Data for pig production. In addition, there is plenty of attention for sow management.

Where better to start than a visit to a facility that breathes data collection and acquisition? Pig Progress took a look in the ‘Centro Experimental Porcino’, a research farm near Segovia in Spain, where ongoing trials are being done with pigs and where some sophisticated technology on how to obtain the most information about the animals living there, can be admired. Page 16.

Breeding goals with Big Data

Professor Yuzo Koketsu of Meiji University, Japan, has been one of the protagonists of acquiring Big Data and then draw conclusions from it. His advice is to aim for 3 very specific goals when breeding sows. He explains as from page 6.

Liquid feeding with fermentation

Colleague Emmy Koeleman, editor for All About Feed, visited ForFarmers in the Netherlands, which has developed a liquid feeding concept for pigs on the basis of fermentation. She spoke with Bram van den Oever, pig nutritionist at ForFarmers, who explains about the concept’s growth chances for the future. Page 12.

More pigs on fermented feed. Photo: Henk Riswick

More pigs on fermented feed. Photo: Henk Riswick

Breeding challenges in China

Jumping to the other side of the world once more, Michael Ellermann of Carthage MHJ Agritech Consulting, from Suzhou, China shares some insight in breeding in China. For Pig Progress, he made a top-5 of breeding challenges in China. Page 21.

  • Top 5 breeding challenges in China. Photos: Michael Ellermann

    Top 5 breeding challenges in China. Photos: Michael Ellermann

  • Pig Progress 6: Why Big Data matter in pigs

Right light levels and feed additives

In his monthly column, John Gadd this issue focuses on the question of how to get the right light levels for sow production. Page 9.

In addition, Dr Casey Bradley touches on the question of how to know that certain feed additives can actually go well together. Page 26.

The Netherlands and plan for the future

Last but not least, this month’s country focus zooms in on the Netherlands. Years of relatively low pig prices and relatively high feed prices have put the industry under pressure. A plan has now been drafted to make the industry sustainable for the future. Will this be the solution? Page 10.

Innovation is needed more than ever. Photo: Bert Jansen.

Innovation is needed more than ever. Photo: Bert Jansen.

For these articles in full an more just go to the digital magazine section click on Pig Progress 2016-6 (registration is free)

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world