Pig industry will be well represented at VIV Asia

14-03-2013 | |
Pig industry will be well represented at VIV Asia

For professionals in the international swine industry, the upcoming VIV Asia, to be held 13-15 March 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand, will be an event not to miss. The 11 th edition of the show presents a full range of exhibitors from the feed to meat chain – and has a wide range of seminars and congresses to offer for everybody in the swine industry.

Almost 600 exhibitors from 40 countries, will fill six full halls of the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC). Add to that about 25,000 expected visitors from the Middle East to Oceania and from India to Japan. These figures alone should show that VIV Asia 2013 has a good selection to offer, comprising global market leaders and regional as well as national Asian players of importance. With Aquatic Asia 2013 co-located with VIV Asia, professionals active in the production of pork, poultry meat, eggs, fish and dairy all have good reasons to meet up in Bangkok in March.

Where many international livestock shows these days go for more and bigger, VIV Asia deliberately chooses to keep the total surface of the show relatively concise, zooming in on quality rather than quantity. Events like the Rabobank conference and the Animal Health Summit (see below), designed for CEO-levels, testify to this approach, explains Ruwan Berculo, project manager VIV, Asia-Pacific & Europe. “We want to stand out as the event where agricultural companies can present themselves in a business environment.”

General programme

Several side-events jump into view for visitors from the international pig business. The show’s opening ceremony will consist of five parts and will take place in the Grand Hall, second floor and starts at 10.30am on 13 March.

The next day, on 14 March, the conference ‘Developments in the animal protein sector: A multi-species approach’ will take place. This CEO-level conference, co-hosted by Rabobank, starting at 10.30am, will present developments in feed manufacturing, poultry breeding, pig breeding and aquaculture. On 14 March, another option is to visit the Animal Health Summit Asia. This two-tier event focuses on the reduction of antibiotics in the livestock industry – related to the current increase in antibiotic resistance, which has led to a worldwide discussion. The widespread occurrence of multi-resistant bacteria is considered to be a threat for future human and animal health. The safety of meat and eggs and the discussion on how to deal with this worldwide problem in the Asian markets is the theme of this summit.

From 10.30am until 1.30pm, several seminars with speakers from different exhibitors will present their vision and related solutions on reducing antibiotics in livestock production tomorrow. Shortly after the morning session, a two-hour CEO-level conference runs from 2-4pm. Four international keynote speakers will present the global context as well as specific best practices related to the reduction of antibiotics in livestock production.

MeatTech Asia 2013

A new feature to VIV Asia is MeatTech Asia 2013, presenting international suppliers active in technology to slaughter and process pig and poultry meat. Throughout Asia, the demand for equipment and new technology has experienced a massive boost as slaughterhouse operators and meat processors search for efficient systems to speed up processing, manage food safety and reduce costs in terms of manpower, floor space and energy. Opportunities associated with the launch of the Asean Economic Community in 2015 are also fostering increased investment and upgrading of processing and packaging lines. It is these advances that will be addressed at MeatTech Asia 2013. This special feature consists of a presentation of 25 suppliers at the exhibition, representing some 40 brands of equipment for slaughtering and meat processing.

In addition to the MeatTech Pavilion at the exhibition, a conference called ‘Automation in Action’, will showcase various companies presenting their vision on the contribution of automation to specific items of meat slaughter, processing and packaging equipment. This will happen on both 13 and 14 March, from 2-4pm.

For other interesting events, please check the side box ‘Events at VIV Asia’.


Pig-related highlights & events at VIV Asia 2013

Mycotoxins & Salmonella 2013:One day paid conference (Imperial Queens Park Hotel, Bangkok – 12 March, 8am – 4.15pm)

Exhibitor seminars: One-hour exhibitor presentations (March 13-15, 10am onwards)

Swine Raisers Association of Thailand Conference: Event in Thai only (13 March, 1-5pm)

The Philippines partner country seminar: International investment opportunities in the Philippine livestock industry (14 March, 10.30am – 12.30pm)

Animal Husbandry Association of Thailand Conference: Event in Thai only (14 March, 1-5pm)

Nutrition seminar: International keynote presentations, with e.g. ‘The use of immunoglobulins in piglet feed’ by Thomas Heile, EW Nutrition (14 March, 2-4pm)

GlobalGAP: ‘Good Agricultural Practices’ (15 March, 10.30-11.30am)

Country pavilions: Presenting exhibitors and companies from several countries from feed to meat; Belgium, China, France, Israel, Korea, Spain, Thailand, the Netherlands, United Kingdom (BPA), USA (all days)

**Source: Pig Progress magazine 29. 1

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
