New FMD vaccine formulation and filling unit

03-07-2007 | |
New FMD vaccine formulation and filling unit

Intervet has opened a new formulation and filling unit at the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccine factory in Cologne, Germany.

After a mini symposium with international FMD experts, Dr Alf-Eckbert Füssel, Head of sector animal health-trade and zootechnics of the European Committee, and Dr Ruurd Stolp, President Intervet officially opened the new formulation and filling unit of the FMD factory.

Emergency supply

“To react quickly in case of an outbreak of this severe disease we have to be prepared. The factory will provide an antigen bank, which −under government contracts− can guarantee emergency supply of FMD vaccines.

Vaccine production

The Cologne site is one out of only four FMD vaccine production sites, which are officially approved by the EU. Intervet has also FMD vaccine production sites in Brazil (Fortaleza) and India (Pune) that are mainly used to supply their respective national markets.

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