Netherlands: 700 pig farms less in one year

13-11-2009 | |

The number of pig farms in the Netherlands has shrunk by almost 700 in one year. Total pig farms left is 7,568, according to figures from the Dutch central statistics bureau (CBS).

Agricultural newspaper Agrarisch Dagblad reports on the basis of these latest figures that the number of pig farms with breeder facilities has shrunk by over 200 to 3,121 facilities. In addition, the number of pig farms having finishers came down by over 600. At the moment, the remaining number of finishers is 6,508.

These latest data are a continuation of a trend, which has visible for years. The decrease is heavier than it has been over the last year. In 2008, the CBS noted 450 farms less than the year before. The larger decrease is related to bad financial results in the sector.

The trend also confirms the notion that the Netherlands is increasingly specialising to become a piglet producer for finisher sites abroad.

In addition, economies of scale are becoming more important. The number of pig farms having over 2,000 animals grew from 1,946 in 2008 to 2,003 in 2009.

The number of farms having more than 2,000 finishers grew from 638 in 2008 to 711 in 2009. In 2009, the researchers counted 54 farms having more than 2,000 breeding pigs – compared to 40 farms in 2008.

Related websites:
• Dutch central statistics bureau (CBS)
• Agrarisch Dagblad

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
