Malaysia to stop pork sales three days a week

29-05-2008 | |
Malaysia to stop pork sales three days a week

The Malaysian Pork Sellers Association is planning to get its members to cease pork sales for three days a week starting June 8 if the prices continue to rise the way they have been doing.

The Star Online reports that the ex-farm price had risen drastically since early this year but the Federation of Livestock Farmers Associations Malaysia refused to discuss the matter with pork sellers.

Malaysian Pork Sellers Association chairman, Goh Chui Lai states that “the ex-farm price of pork had dropped to RM4 per kilo early this year but increased by RM1.50 in the past two months. This is just ridiculous”.

He also claimed that pork farmers had strategically planned for the price increase in conjunction with festive seasons and that it was just an excuse to raise the price by citing high production costs.

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