Jyden Bur: New concept for pig housing

15-07-2009 | |

Danish Animal housing company Jyden Bur have launched a new housing system for pig productions under the name of Flat Pack.

The product is currently for finisher housing but in the near future, the company will introduce the concepts for weaner units as well.

“The global financial crisis has a huge influence of the way we act in our business areas, and with that in mind we have made some adjustments to full fill our customer’s needs. We have already delivered 1.000 pens for a pig producer in Slovakia, and here the goal was to create a competitive product of high quality and functionality which would result in optimal conditions for the owner, the staff and the pig production itself”, says Sales Director Jesper Bech, Jyden Bur.

The Flat Pack concept is a standard product made as a DIY Kit. The system is based on Jyden’s well known rigid fiberglass panels. The smooth surface makes cleaning an easy process and the bright fiberglass is also providing a good environment for both the staff and the pig herd.

“To point out the importance of production efficiency and of course the result, you will need to consider both the cost and the quality. With the Flat Pack system we are able to deliver a product that will reduce the cost per finisher without compromising quality – and with a few changes in the process, our aim is to enhance the outcome for the pig producers.

We are going to put some more focus on the export market, and I am definitely looking forward to present this system for the international pig producers”, says John Kongsgaard, Export Manager at Jyden Bur.

Related website
• Jyden Bur (Danish)

