Emmy Koeleman new editor AllAboutFeed

30-10-2013 | |
Emmy Koeleman new editor AllAboutFeed

AllAboutFeed, sister publication of Pig Progress, is delighted to announce that Emmy Koeleman will join the team as the new editor. She will take over from Fabian Brockötter, who is now acting as editor ad interim.

Emmy, 34, was born in the Netherlands and studied at the Agricultural College in Delft and Wageningen University, with a strong focus on animal nutrition and animal health. She is no stranger to the team. From 2005 through to 2010 she was the editor for Feed Mix, which in 2010 merged with its sister magazine Feed Tech becoming AllAboutFeed publication and its accompanying website www.allaboutfeed.net. After the merger she was still involved in the print and online publication of articles for AllAboutFeed.

Since 2011 Emmy has worked as an editor for a Dutch agricultural newspaper and Food Valley NL, a cluster organisation for the food industry.

“I am very excited to be returning to the team and taking up the role as editor of AllAboutFeed. The international publishing environment combined with the animal feed industry is where my heart lies. My aim is to continue to develop the magazine and website and maintain its quality, practical and news driven nature and keep AllAboutFeed the ultimate source of information on some of the most interesting developments in the international animal feed industry. New challenges arise every day for people working in the feed industry: feeding a growing world population, keeping our animals productive and healthy with good nutrition and produce in a more sustainable way in terms of water, energy and raw material use. I am sure that my comprehensive network, experience and knowledge in this sector will help keep AllAboutFeed the leading information source on all these topics. I hope to see you all back soon on a conference or trade show”, Emmy said.

Managing editor Roel Leferink of all Reed Business International Agri Media publications says he is thrilled to have Emmy Koeleman back on the team. “I have known Emmy for many years and think she is really the right person for the position. Emmy has a vast knowledge of the international feed market and the challenges involved. She has an extensive network and is an experienced editor, who in recent years developed even more skills. I am sure she will push AllAboutFeed to the next level.”

Emmy will join the team in January 2014. Until then, Fabian Brockötter (one of the editors of World Poultry and also editor in chief for the Dutch magazine Pluimveehouderij), will act as editor ad interim for the brand AllAboutFeed.

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