Clearer labelling for Aussie pork

30-03-2009 | |

A new marketing promotion across Australia aims to clearly identify home-grown, fresh Australian pork.

By law fresh pork can not be imported into Australia, even though research suggests that 33% of the population believe this to be the case. As a consequence APL has produced distinctive pink “Australian Pork” meat tickets for butchers to display, helping customers easily identify fresh pork as having been bred and grown in Australia.

Meat ticketing programme
APL chief executive officer Andrew Spencer said the meat ticketing programme is an important step forward for Australian pig farmers, who have been pushing for clearer labelling on Australian grown pork products.

Recent consumer research conducted by APL indicated that 87% of Australians prefer to buy Australian products, with 85% suggesting they would be prepared to pay a 20% premium.

Pork labels
“The current labelling system is very confusing and not informative from a consumer perspective,” Spencer said. “There are currently three label claims used to describe the origin of pork products. These are: Product of Australia, which is Australian grown; Made in Australia, which can be grown and processed in Australia but potentially contains imported meat; and Made from Imported and Local Ingredients, which is in all likelihood predominately imported pork.”

Spencer said the next step is to licence the Australian Pork logo to businesses manufacturing small goods containing 100% Australian pork.

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