UK: Pig producers must prioritise biosecurity measures

04-03-2014 | | |
UK: Pig producers must prioritise biosecurity measures

Pig producers must make sure they have biosecurity measures in place to reduce the risk of disease spread from livestock lorries.

Helen Clarke of BPEX says: “Livestock vehicles can be a common factor in the spread of crippling production diseases such as swine dysentery, as well as exotic diseases such as African Swine Fever and PEDv”

There are simple steps that can be taken, all within the producer’s control, such as operating a zero tolerance policy for poorly washed livestock vehicles attempting to enter their unit, providing disinfectant wheel dips and foot dips at the entrance and ensuring drivers don’t enter pig areas of the unit.

Eddie Harper of the Livestock Hauliers Association says: “Hauliers, producers and abattoirs must continue to work together to ensure they understand the risks and the key measures to reduce them. We also need to ensure we have the proper facilities and equipment in place to clean and disinfect vehicles effectively at every stage of the pig supply chain.”

Many of the same biosecurity measures apply to delivery vehicles such as feed suppliers.

Pig producers can download the factsheet, Action for Productivity no. 43: Lorry biosecurity, from here.

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