Genotype of Porcine Rubulavirus Isolates causing Blue Eye Disease

28-10-2010 | | |

Blue Eye Disease (BED) was reported at the beginning of the 80’s in farms near La Piedad Michoacan, Mexico, characterized for affecting pigs of different ages, generating nervous signs and high mortality in piglets, corneal opacity and reproductive alterations in adult animals (Stephanoet al1981).

The first molecular characterization was done by Moreno et al,(1986) and named LPMV, this is considered as the prototype of the genus Rubulavirus (Santos et al, 2004). The objective of our study was to determine and compare the genetic sequence of 13 field isolates, but also to compare them with genetic information obtained from GenBank.

Felipa Castro-Peralta; Francisco Quezada-Monroy; Ruben Echeveste-Garcia de Alba; Bernardo Lozano-Dubernard;David Sarfati-Mizrahi; Ernesto Soto-Priante; Refugio Cortes-Fernandez; Horacio Lara-Puente
Laboratorio Avi-Mex, S. A. de C. V., Mexico City, DF, Mexico

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