Evaluation of the colostrum phase in 10 French pig herds dealing with enzootic neonatal diarrhea

09-11-2010 | | |

Enzootic neonatal diarrhea (END) is occurring in 15 to 20% of French farrow-to-finish pig farms1. Dealing with this issue, veterinarians have to work on the aggression side i.e. control of pathogens and on the defense side i.e. control of immunity.

During the first weeks of life, piglet immunity is mainly providing by colostral antibodies and cells. In this paper, we focus on the colostrum phase in pig farms dealing with END.
Thomas Gin1 Eric Pagot2 Guy-Pierre Martineau1
1. National veterinary school, Toulouse, France; 2. CTPA, Ploufragan, France

For full presentation see attached pdf

