Wrapping up September: What’s new in the world of pigs?

25-09-2020 | |
Wrapping up September: What s new in the world of pigs?
Wrapping up September: What s new in the world of pigs?

Whilst Covid-19 continues to dominate headlines worldwide, major pig business news in September came from Adisseo, when it announced to acquire the Framelco Group. And how about CPF’s latest plans to move into China? Read it all in the September business update.

Adisseo signs agreement to acquire Framelco

Adisseo has acquired the Framelco Group, a feed additive company based in the Netherlands. The family-owned group operates 3 plants located in the Netherlands, Spain and Thailand. Most of Framelco sales are made of glycerides (short and medium chain fatty acids) and lysolecithins to improve feed digestibility. The acquisition follows another major take-over early 2018, when Adisseo acquired Belgium-based Nutriad. Adisseo is a subsidiary of China National Bluestar.

CP Foods subsidiary expanding in China

Thailand’s Charoen Pokphand Foods is planning to build a pork business in China. Chia Tai Investment, an indirect subsidiary of CP Foods, will buy 43 businesses encompassing breeding, farming, slaughtering and food processing in a deal valued around US$ 4.1 billion. Chia Tai was already involved in feed manufacturing and distribution in China.

The company has, meanwhile, promoted more renewable energy in its manufacturing lines, particularly solar, biogas and biomass, with a goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 25% by 2025. A solar energy pilot project has been planned at 16 pig farms.

Lanxess plans expansion for monopersulfate

Specialty chemicals company, Lanxess plans to expand production capacity for Oxone monopersulfate, the main active ingredient in many of its Virkon and Rely+On disinfection products. Investing in its production facility in Memphis, TN, in the US, which is expected to be completed in the second half of 2022, the company plans an expansion of around 50%.

DuPont opens manufacturing facility in Wuxi, China

DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences, with a comprehensive portfolio of feed enzymes, betaine, phytogenics and probiotics, has opened a new animal nutrition manufacturing facility in Wuxi, China. The aim is to provide the local animal production industry with customised solutions and a larger range of packaging sizes.

Photo: Dupont

Photo: Dupont

Acuity chooses Topigs Norsvin as genetic partner

Acuity, a US-based swine genetics brand launched by The Maschoffs, selected a genetic partner, Topigs Norsvin. With this agreement, both companies have been granted a license to market products in the US that contain partner genetics. In addition to broader product portfolios and genetic distribution, this partnership provides the opportunity for collaboration and expansion of technical expertise, product testing and supply chain infrastructure.

More good news for Topigs Norsvin, as Vall Companys in Spain, associated with 2,105 farmers, will expand the share of TN70 sows in its production systems. The group houses about 200,000 sows and will produce TN70 on its own breeding farms but will also buy gilts from production units under TN control. Vall Companys will also increase the use of TN finisher boars.

Choice launches the CG36 gilt in the US

Choice, the swine division of the Groupe Grimaud, has officially launched the CG36 gilt on the US market. The gilt is a culmination of genes from the M3 Large White and the M6 Landrace with the potential to wean as many as 80 pigs in her lifetime. The new gilt was announced in a webinar early September.

  • Photo: Choice

    Photo: Choice

Trials to test feed additive against in-feed viruses

Recent trials tested the anti-viral efficacy of Anpario’s feed additive pHorce, a concentrated liquid blend of pure formic and propionic acid. The study showed that pigs fed the infected control diets exhibited clinical symptoms of Seneca virus and PRRSv. However, no evidence of either virus infection was observed in the pigs consuming feed supplemented with the additive. It lowered mortality and increased average daily gain compared to pigs from the control group.

Photo: Anpario

Photo: Anpario

AB Vista: Whitepaper on fibre for animal performance

Following the release of ‘An Introduction to Fibre Analysis Using NIR’ in July, AB Vista has published a new whitepaper, ‘Peeling Back the Layers of Fibre for Animal Performance’, which explores the potential of non-starch polysaccharides analysis through NIR to bring new insights related to fibre composition. It also outlines the tools available to extract value of the dietary fibre through the modulation of gut microbiome and better performance.

Olmix: controlling fermentation in effluent

Olmix has introduced Z’fix Slurry, a product to control fermentation within slurry to limit disturbances and optimise its valorisation. The microgranular product favours the development and the activity of the bacteria useful for the proper evolution of the organic matter. Using the product, due to specific trace elements, losses of nitrogen are limited. Furthermore, it reduces odours: Ammonia emissions are reduced by up to 30% during storage and spreading.

Photo: Olmix

Photo: Olmix

Evonik launches GuanAmino

Evonik has launched its own guanidinoacetic acid-product, GuanAmino, used to enhance energy metabolism in livestock production. The new product provides farm animals with the natural creatine precursor GAA, which supplies creatine to animals, improving their performance, ensuring optimal nutrient utilisation and therefore return over feed costs. The addition to animal feed would also result in a significantly improved FCR in livestock.

Agritech introduces 2 products in UK

Agritech International Solutions have introduced the products QuickStart and Electro FA (First Aid) to the UK market. QuickStart contains medium-chain fatty acids, vitamins and probiotics, and is given to new-born piglets and poor doers. Electro FA is a complementary feed and contains electrolytes (potassium and sodium) as well as flavouring compounds, known to have intestinal binding effects. It is given to young pigs to aid recovery from diarrhoea.

Photo: Agritech

Photo: Agritech

Submissions open for MSD award

MSD Animal Health has opened submissions for the High-Quality Pork – Precision Farming Award, which will grant 1 project up to US$ 200,000 towards implementation with an interested customer in the swine industry. Eligible projects will focus on precision farming in the swine sector. Topics of interest include technology innovations focused on herd health management, genetics and reproduction, streamlining of day-to-day activities, traceability and AI.

Natalie Kinsley Freelance journalist
