Nutraferma launches peptide protein for pig feed efficiency

19-06-2013 | | |
Nutraferma launches peptide protein for pig feed efficiency
Nutraferma launches peptide protein for pig feed efficiency

Nutraferma, innovator of biotech solutions, has launched UltraPro+, a new balanced peptide protein that improves average daily gain and feed efficiency in piglets.

UltraPro+ is rich in balanced peptides from animal proteins and fermented soy, it contains beneficial direct-fed microbials and metabolites from patented strains of Bacillus subtilis and Aspergillus oryzae. 

In two separate university trials, piglets fed diets containing UltraPro+ had significantly improved average daily gain and feed efficiency compared to piglets fed the other test ingredients.  No other differences were observed in average daily feed intake among all the other treatments.

For more details on the trials see Nutraferma

Contributors Global Pig Production Authors
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