Norel: Efficacy of Gustor Liquid in piglets

30-06-2014 | | |
Norel: Efficacy of GUSTOR Liquid in piglets
Norel: Efficacy of GUSTOR Liquid in piglets

Spanish feed additive and ingredients company Norel, carried out a trial in Thailand to evaluate the effect of Gustor Liquid (combination of free organic acids and salts with sodium butyrate) on performance in piglets with liquid feeding.

A trial was conducted in field conditions in Thailand to evaluate the effect of Gustor Liquid (combination of free organic acids and salts with sodium butyrate) on performance in piglets with liquid feeding.

A total of 1865 piglets were allocated to 2 groups: T1 was a control diet and T2 was the control diet with Gustor Liquid at 1 Kg per 1000 litres. Initial weights of piglets were measured to ensure the homogeneity. At the end of the trial, piglets receiving 1 kg of Gustor per ton had higher body weight (+3.4%) when compared to the control (25. 9 Kg vs. 25.06 Kg) and higher average daily gain (+9.8%; 447.25 g/day vs. 407.47 g/day). The feed conversion ratio improved by 6.2% vs. control (1.46 vs. 1.37) with less days of raising (45.26 vs. 42.73) and less % mortality and cull (4.52% vs. 1.93%).

An economic calculation taking into account the higher feed costs due to the addition of GUSTOR revealed that adding 1 kg per t of Gustor results in a more efficient and cost effective animal production. From the obtained data can be concluded that Gustor Liquid improve efficiency of piglets.

[Source: Norel]

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